Monday 180507



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Complete 4 rounds for time of:

Run 200m

15m Double Overhead Walking Lunge, 50#/35# DBs or 55#/35# KBs

15 Toes-to-Bar

10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

20:00 Cap.




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50 Seated Bar Row To Chest

50 Banded Face Pulls

1:00/1:00 Lat Roll




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Start out your week right!

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You Don’t Have To Be Sick.

Below is an excellent piece from CrossFit HQ about the MD-L1, the Level 1 course for Doctors. You guys understand that there’s a lot more to what we do than the time on the board or the weight on the bar. We’re playing the long game for wellness over the course of our lives. Our goal: push of chronic disease, stay out of the nursing home, and basically kick ass all the way through our golden years. Imagine what might happen to the health care system if our doctors got on board with the prescription of fitness and nutrition. You guys are on to it, you guys know. Spread the word to those you care about. If we all do, this revolution of wellness is going to continue to grow. 


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