Friday 180511



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Complete every 3:00 for 7 sets:

1 Push Press

The goal here is find a new 1RM. All of the 7 working sets should be above 80% of your current 1RM. If you PR or fail before the last set, drop to 90% for the remaining sets.




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Complete 3 Rounds NOT for time:

15 Side plank dips + 0:15 side plank hold (Left/Right)

20 Dumbbell Rollback Extensions

25 Abmat Sit-ups

60 Single-Unders




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Coach Tay laying down the skill work!

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Team Stine!

Here is a note from Maiki if you ordered some Team Stine shirts:

Hi Everyone!

The Team Stine shirts have been shipped and are en-route!! WOOO! Each shirt is $11. Please use either Paypal/Venmo for electronic transfer, you should be able to find me with my email address If you would prefer to pay with cash or check that is cool! If you don’t see me often please give the coaches either form of payment to put in an large envelope and I’ll collect as needed. If you pay cash, please put the “dollar bills ya’ll” into a separate envelope/etc with you name on it so I know who has paid me.

Thanks for all love and support for Stine!


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