Tuesday 180320



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WOD Part 1

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With a 20:00 running clock compete:

4 Rounds for time of:

Run 200m

10 Thrusters, 115#/75#

40 Double-unders




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WOD Part 2

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With the remaining time following Part 1:

Work up to a 3 rep max thruster.




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Hey, you heard Darcie is Athlete of the Month for March, right? Hell yeah Darcie!

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Why Lift After The Conditioning Work?

You guys have been seeing the trend lately of 2 part WODs, Part 1 being a conditioning piece and Part 2 being a weightlifting piece. What gives? If you’ve been at Evolve long enough, you’ve seen a few approaches to strength depending on the programming cycle we’re in. Sometimes we lift for the first part of the session, then follow it with a short duration conditioning piece. This allows us to be fresh for the lifting, providing the ability to focus on technique and while being fresh, give a solid effort moving the weights.

Some sessions we see only weightlifting. This gives us ample time to warm-up, and if going heavy or working toward a slightly higher rep max, light 3RM or 5RM, provides ample rest. We know that many folks aren’t huge fans of the weightlifting-only days, but they show up in the program because they’re part of the big picture. We’ve got to do them. And we hope to make you love those days!

Today you have a conditioning piece followed by a weightlifting component with a time constraint. The purpose? Lifting some heavy weight, though sub-1RM, while fatigued. This is a completely different stimulus than working to a 3RM thruster before the conditioning piece, or having the entire hour to work to a 3RM. Remember 18.2 with the 1RM clean following the squats and burpees? Yep we tried to forget that one too! But, it was the same stimulus.

Our goal is to train all aspects of fitness. It’s great to be able to lift well when fresh. But it’s also great to be able to lift well when fatigued. Today that’s our focus!

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