Monday 180205



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Work to a heavy, but not maximal, set of 3 in 10:00.

Accumulate 10-15 Seated Box Jumps during this 10 minute time period. Progress to a height on the box that is challenging.




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Complete 3 Rounds for time:

20 Deadlifts, 185#/125#

20 Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″




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It was a great day!

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Simply The Best. Ever.

What a great weekend! Thank you to all of the coaches, athletes, judges, friends, and family who showed up in force to pull it off. It was an awesome comp and we’re grateful we get to do this with you guys! Here’s how it shook out:

Masters Men

1 Dave

2T Jerry

2T Rick

Masters Women

1 Susan

2 Jessica

Open Men

1 Ben

2 Braden

3T Mark

3T Lucas

Open Women

1 Nicole

2 KT

3 Corina

RX Men

1 Tom

2T Murph

2T Hez

3 Maiki

RX Women

1 Chelsie M

2T JoLynn

2T Afton

3 Alyssa

Strong work to these guys and gals and all the rest of the competitors!

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