Monday 171211



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Part 1

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Complete every 90 seconds for 6 sets:

2 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches

Build in weight as time progresses.




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Part 2

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Complete 5 rounds for time of:

25 Sit-ups

15 Power Snatches, 75#/55#

The goal is to get at least the first 3 rounds unbroken. It’s ok to start with a muscle snatch and move directly to a power snatch with no foot movement when the bar speed slows.




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Kaitlyn ready for some barbell cycling!

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Barbell Cylcling

The name of the game today is efficient barbell cycling with the power snatch. All of the technical aspects remain the same as a heavy single, but with some slight modifications. During the WOD the load used should be light. Going unbroken on sets 1, 2 and 3 shouldn’t even be a question. If you’ve made a good choice with the load you use, you’ll be able to start out with a fast muscle snatch. However, as the bar slows and the turnover at the top isn’t crisp, it’s time to start dropping under the bar. This transition to a power snatch can be difficult for many. Starting the move a barbell with one motor pattern then switching to a different one, even if they’re similar, can really jack people up. But we have to practice it because it’s a great skill to have when it comes to CrossFit WODs. When you switch to the power snatch, keep your feel planted. Because this is a light weight and you’re not fully squatting under it, you can get away with this. Keeping your feet in place means you don’t have to readjust them after each rep. This adds up to precious time saved.

Finally, keep your bar path in mind on the way up AND on the way down. This is a huge component of cycling the barbell efficiently. Making sure your touch-and-go reps hit the floor in the same place each time allows your movement to remain consistent, and consistency makes barbell cycling happen.

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