Friday 171110



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WOD Part 1

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Complete for time:

500 meter row 

This is a benchmark test for a max effort 500m row. Get after it and see what you can do!




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WOD Part 2

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Complete every 3 minutes for 4 sets (12:00):

6 Back Squats




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Yay max effort rowing!!!

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Row and Squat.

Row as hard as you can for 500m then get under a barbell and squat it a bunch of times. It makes for a pretty good day! Today’s priority is that 500m row. Knowing what your max 500 is important. It can help you understand how to pace 500m rows during WODs because the closer you get to that number during a workout, the harder it will be to get off the rower and do whatever is next in the workout. It’s really easy to go to hard in the first row of a workout, understanding your pacing will help.

Following the row we’ll have a short recovery period then we’re squatting sets of 6. This is not supposed to be a max effort 6 rep set. You’re going to throw some weight on the bar and go to it. Feel free to adjust the weight as needed between sets, but understand we’re not looking to get crazy here, the point is to move some weight while fatigued from that 500m row. See you in there!

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