Tuesday 171017



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Complete for time:

30 Push-ups

30 Kettlebell Swings, 70#/55#

30 Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″

24 Push-ups

24 Kettlebell Swings, 70#/55#

24 Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″

18 Push-ups

18 Kettlebell Swings, 70#/55#

18 Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″




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Accessory Work

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Complete 3 rounds NOT for time of:

20 Band Pull Aparts

20 Plate Step-up Plank Position

This is not for time. We’ll have about 10 minutes to move through these post-WOD.




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Adam B knows that a bro tank will add weight to your deadlift…you can’t argue with science.

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Are You Getting All You Can Out Of It?


Today we’re going to pose a question for all of you consistent, experienced athletes of Evolve to ask yourself. This is for those of you who come in several times a week without fail and have been doing so for a while now. For those who are no longer new and learning the basics. The ones who hate missing more than the occasional day. Who’s names are always on the white board. We hope that’s you!

So if this consistent athlete is you, we want you to ask yourself a question…are you getting all you can out of it? Yesterday we gave some parameters on how long the WOD should take. The goal was to do the WOD with a weight that was something “very heavy” (as written on yesterday’s post). The goal was around 10 minutes to finish. If you finished in 5 or less, you had to do more because it was too easy. For those who made it in yesterday, did you use a bar that was “very heavy”? Or was it just kinda heavy but you were able to rip out the complex with little to no breaks? On days like today with extra accessory work, do you do it as it’s written and pay attention to each rep, or do you use it as an opportunity to take off a few minutes early? When there’s a cool down, do you circle up with the rest of the group and dive into it together to help recovery for the next day, or do you skip it?

We aways have more to give. There’s always opportunities to get better. This program challenges you regularly and puts a lot on you guys to get all you can out of it. Getting through the door is huge, and we are happy when you do. But if you’re doing the very hardest part already…simply getting in the gym…for the next few weeks see if you can take it a little further. If scaling from RX, go just a little heavier than you’re comfortable with. If there’s a body weight movement, pay careful attention to HOW you do it, don’t just go through the motions. Work towards getting just a little better each day. The pay-off is huge.

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