Wednesday 170712

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Compete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of:

2 Muscle-ups

4 Handstand Push-ups

8 Kettlebell Swing, 70#/55#

Compare to: 4/17/15, 8/15/14, 11/27/12, 12/6/11, 4/28/11, 1/3/11, 10/12/10


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Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.

Hero WOD: Nate

Right now some of you are happy, and maybe some sad! This is a great workout that challenges us with 2 high skill gymnastics movements and a heavy kettlebell swing. That can make even the most seasoned CrossFit vet nervous, but not you guys! You’ll see that for the muslce-ups and HSPU above there’s a hyperlink to our YouTube page. These are videos of some progressions and scaling options that we commonly use. Take a look to remind yourself of some of the things you can do today if you’re not able to go RX. These progressions are designed to help you work toward getting that RX movement. These aren’t the only ones we’ll discuss today. Specifically you guys will be introduced to the False Grips which we can use to develop strength for the muscle-up.

In CrossFit it takes a long time to get proficient at all of the different things we do. We’ve all started at the same place, some have just been at it longer than others. Take a look at some of these progressions, have a plan, and listen to the guidance of your coaches. You’ll get what you’re after and we’ll honor Nate Hardy in the process!

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