Thursday 170727



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Complete 5 sets of the following complex:

High Hang Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean

Use 50-60% of your 1RM and rest 1:00 between sets.




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 9:00 of:

5 Power Snatch, 135#/95#

10 Toes-to-Bar




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A pull-up bar that was not cleaned after use!

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If You Use It, Clean It.

It’s been a sweaty week. The temps are high, and the humidity has been high too, especially for Colorado! That usually means that some of you will use an extra bit of chalk during your WODs. But that also means that it’s even more important to clean that shite up when you’re done. Sweat + chalk overuse = paste, as shown in the picture above. You may be a lover of the chalk, but the next person who uses the rig or barbell may not be. It’s important to give them a clean slate to work with! And let’s face it, it’s also important to wipe down our stuff because it keeps it clean and minimizes the grossness, and we all need a little of that in our lives. So today after the WOD, please wipe down not only your barbell but the pull-up bar you did your toes-to-bar on. And if you coat the bar in a cement-like mixture because you got a little aggressive with the chalk, let the coach know and they’ll get you a chisel or sandblaster to help get it off!

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