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5 x 5 @ Empty Barbell: Footwork Focus
Then complete 6 sets of:
1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 50-60% 1RM
These will be performed out of the racks.
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Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:
Run 200m
12 Power Snatches, 95#/65#
9 Burpees
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Rob says dip and drive!
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The Split Jerk
You either love it or hate it. Regardless of what side you’re on, you’ve got to practice it. It’s important to have both the push jerk and split jerk in your arsenal. The push jerk while using a moderately heavy load with linked reps is second to none in efficiency. Good shoulder mobility in the catch is a prerequisite but once you have it and you’re able to cycle the barbell well it’s huge during shoulder to overhead WODs.
The split jerk is money when you’re trying to get under the heavy barbell. Some will say that Kendrick Farris uses the push jerk (well, really the squat jerk) rather than the split jerk and can put up 400+ pounds. Yes, that’s true. But you’re not Kendrick Farris! So we’re going to work on the split jerk so you can get better at it and put mad weight overhead. Footwork is huge with this so today you’ll see a priority on getting your feet in the right position every time.
If you’re a push-jerk-lovin-split-jerk-hatin lifter, come into this with an open mind and get some practice in. It will make you better!!