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Band Pull-Aparts
Accumulate 75 Reps.
This should be with relatively light resistance and should be accomplished in 3-5 sets.
The will be performed after the WOD.
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Complete for time:
30 Power Cleans and Jerks, 135#/95#
This Power Clean Grace. No squat needed? Grab the bar and hold on! Today we’ll have a 10 minute time cap.
Compare to: 10/29/16, 10/24/15, 10/25/14, 10/12/13, 10/20/12, 10/22/11
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Laura jumping for joy about Grace today!
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Benchmark WOD: Grace
Oh yeah, another benchmark WOD named after a lady! Get ready to end the week with an all-out effort on the barbell! This should be a hard-hitting workout. Think of your Fran time, it should be close to that. To help inspire you to get it done there will be a 10 minute time cap. That’s 3 reps per minute. If you’re not able to do your planned weight at that pace, or really faster than that pace, then use less weight and go to work!
You’ve been getting some skill work on your power clean the last few weeks, today you get to put it to work. We’ll give you some good tips to blow up your last time, and if this is your first time doing Grace we’re going to get you all squared away so you leave the gym happy with your performance!