Thursday 170504



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Turkish Get-ups

3 – 3 – 3 – 3

Today we’re going to work on TGUs, kettlebell styles. After the warm-up and some discussion on technique you’ll complete 4 sets of 3 on each arm. The TGU is not only a great movement on its own, it’s also valuable as a warm-up and prep for movements like today’s snatches. 




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Complete as many reps as possible in 12:00 of:

5 Snatches, 135#/95#

50 Double-unders





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Rochelle deadlifting away. And yep we’re trying out some color photos. 

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“Soooo Do We Have To Squat the Snatch Today?”

A common question when we post Snatch or Clean is “do we have to squat it?” Yes. Yes, today you do have to squat it. Don’t feel bad if you’re not sure, there is a lot of confusion out there. In weightlifting (Olympic Weightlifting not Leg Press Weightlifting) the squat is implied. If it says “snatch” or “clean”, you’re squatting. If it says “power snatch” or “power clean” you’re catching it in a quarter squat or in other words, a full squat is not required. We in CrossFit haven’t done a great job keeping the terminology consistent. For example the workout Grace is written as “30 Clean and Jerks for time.” However, this workout is most commonly done using a power clean. On the other hand, Elizabeth is written as “21-15-9 cleans and ring dips” and it’s commonly performed as a squat clean. What gives? We wish we had a good answer for you but we don’t. So what do you do? 

At Evolve, if it’s not a benchmark WOD (Grace, Isabel, Elizabeth, etc.) and it says “snatch” or “clean”, you’re squatting it. If it is a benchmark WOD, we’ll be sure to indicate how you’ll be performing it (squat or power) on the website. You know how else you can be sure? Listen to the coach when they brief the workout. The movement standard for the day is always covered there, so you’ll get your answer!! We’ll see you today where we’re sure you’ll crush the snatches, full squat and all!

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