[rs-box_content style=”basic_block” txt_color=”#000000″ bkg_color=”#ECECEC” brd_color=”#636363″]
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Back Squat
8 – 8 – 8
Add load each round and finish heavier than last week.
[rs-box_content style=”basic_block” txt_color=”#000000″ bkg_color=”#ECECEC” brd_color=”#636363″]
[rs-divider type=”solid” brd_width=”1″ brd_color=”#636363″/]
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of:
5 Deadlifts, 275#/195#
3 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts, 275#/195#
6 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deaadlifts, 275#/195#
9 Handstand Push-ups
Continue the pattern of 5 deadlifts and increasing the HSPUs by 3 each round.
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[rs-image img_url=”https://www.crossfit-evolve.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Photo-Apr-24-9-26-14-AM.jpg” link=”” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”400″ class=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”img-polaroid” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]
Kelly’s ready for today’s squats, how about you?!
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No Saturday Hours on May 20th
Hey, you know by now that Coach Stine is going to Regionals in San Antonio on May 19-21st…totally awesome! Well the entire Evolve coaching staff as well as a bunch of athletes are heading down there to cheer her on! Don’t worry, we’re not going to shut down the gym for the week, but we will have to cancel the Saturday WOD and Saturday Open Gym hours on the 20th. We apologize for any inconvenience but there’s now way we’re missing being there in person to rep our favorite regionals competitor! And you shouldn’t miss it either. As it gets closer we’re post the info on the live stream so you can cheer her on too!