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Cool Down
Yep, we put a cool down today as the skill. Today you get some mandatory quality time with the foam roller post-WOD. You just wrapped up 5 weeks of Open WODs with 90 thrusters and 350 DUs – that is if you did it only once. This week we’re going to take care of some stuff.
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Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:
7 Pull-ups
7 Ball Slams, 40#/30#
7 Burpees
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So many things about this picture!
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And That’s a Wrap!
To those who completed the 2017 CrossFit Open this weekend, congratulations! It was a brutal 5 weeks that seems to drag on and on, but you made it through. Pat yourself on the back, high five your buddies, and be proud of your accomplishment. We hope that you had fun during the Open, there was a lot of things going on and the vibe, as always, was awesome.
A day or 2 after the Open is a great time to reflect on your performance during the last 5 weeks. Often times we focus on what we wished we could have done better. This is fine, that’s one thing that the Open does for us…it shows us our weaknesses. Every single time. So if you found a few, good! You have something to work on for next year. But we also want you to take some time to think about the things that went WELL. The things you were able to pull-off that you weren’t sure about. It’s easy to blow this stuff off, but don’t. Be proud of what you were able to do.
Every year we have stories of you guys who would never attempt a movement if it wasn’t in the Open. Then you realize you can do it. Or the stories of PRs that happen during the Open. Or the stories of someone who is able to do all 5 weeks RX. Or for those who struggle with double-unders but this week said “screw it, I’m going to work for 40 minutes and see how far I get.” We love that stuff! You know what else we also love? Our community. How people show up just to cheer, or to judge, and the reveal get togethers, and the costumes, and the intramural trash talking, the clapping, and the high fives. This, my friends, is what the Open is all about.
To the coaches who were seemingly there every second, to those who helped judge from Thursday night to Monday morning, to those who competed, to those who stuck around to cheer for their friends…to everyone who made this 5 weeks what it was…thank you!! We’ll see you in there!