Wednesday 170125



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Power Snatch

Work up to a moderate single in 12:00.

Please see the write-up below about today’s strength!




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Complete for time:

Row Cals, 75/65

21 – 15 – 9

Box Jumps, 24″/20″


The clock will start with the row and end once the 9 T2B are completed. We’ll do a staggered start with 2 heats due to the row.




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Our mom’s working out for 2 are the absolute best!

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No Miss Wednesday

Today’s strength might be better thought of as a skill. Today you’ll have 12:00 on the clock to work up to a “moderate” power snatch single. What does that mean? It means that the focus will be on proper set-up and lifting technique and you’ll add a little weight as you go. As long as things are technically sound, you can add a little more weight. If things don’t go as well as expected with a lift, you’ll try it again without adding weight. Same thing happens? Drop some load off the bar and refine the technique. What this is not is working up to a heavy single where your form and technique wavers. There should be no misses today! The coaches will give a good talk on what we’re looking for today. If that isn’t happening as the weight goes up, don’t be surprised if we ask you to back off. 

Why are we doing this? Because with the oly lifts especially, time needs to be spent working on the technical aspects of the lifts. If things aren’t nice and tight with a light weight, they won’t be with a heavy weight. It’s easy to get sucked into the thought that the only lifting that should be done during strength sessions is heavy lifting. Sometimes that’s the case, but if you want to grow and improve, technique work is an absolute must!

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