Thursday 161215

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Complete 3 rounds for time of:

20 Front Rack Step Ups, 95#/65# and 24″/20″

10 Shoulder to Overhead, 95#/65#

20 Deadlift, 95#/65#

10 Bent Over Rows, 95#/65#


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Yasi showing off her gymnastics skillz!

Care About How You Move. Starting Now!

If you’ve been at this for a while it will get to the point, or it possibly already has, where fitness is no longer your limiting factor. It takes some time to get there, so if you’re new to this CrossFit thing, or aren’t very consistent in your training, you’re likely not there yet. Our hope is that you will be! But still pay attention, because this impacts all of us.

You will reach the point where though there’s still fitness to be earned, what holds you back are positions and the quality of your movements. The positions you can get your body into directly impact you on the daily. In the gym, at the office, in the car, going for a jog, playing pick-up basketball, anything that requires movement. The better your positions, the stronger you are. The better your positions, the more efficient you are. The better your positions, the risk of injury from movement goes way down. This is what you want. People spend so much time focussed on how many of what we can do and how many weights we can stack on the bar. As coaches, we talk about this regularly. You have heard us! We don’t care about how many handstand push-ups you can do with a broken posture or how much the deadlift was if your ass shot straight into the air and you couldn’t maintain a flat, solid back. And you shouldn’t care either because that’s not what you’re looking for. Looking for an edge? Want to get better? Focus on and improve your positions. 

Today we have several simple movements and a light barbell. Stepping, pressing, pulling. Basic human patterns. Today we want you to care about how you move. We really want you to care about that every day, but if that’s not you, today’s a great day to start. Don’t worry about the clock. Don’t worry about going fast. Fight to maintain perfect, strong positions. Fight to mimic the details we discuss and demonstrate in the briefing. A conscious effort to maintain great positions is going to yield fantastic results. Trust us. 

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