Friday 161230



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Front Squat Single




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Complete every minute on the minute for 12:00:

2 Hang Power Clean + 2 Jerk, 115#/75#

Max Burpees

Complete the complex and then hit the burpees until the minute is up. This continues for 12 minutes. Score is total burpees completed.




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Lizzy attacking the DUs!

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Resolutions are Weak Sauce!

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We’re a few days from wrapping up 2016. This is the time that many dream up a huge resolution for the coming year. Don’t do it. Why? Because resolutions are lame. And not effective. How many of you have ever come up with a New Years Eve resolution and actually pulled it off? I bet not many of you. Ever know someone who has finished what they started on 01/01/XX? Like for real finished it? Probably not. There’s a reason why. Most folks come up with a cliche resolution like to “get fit” or “loose weight” or “be better with money” or whatever. The problem with those is they’re vague. Non-specific. You’ll never know if you achieved it. Yep, resolutions suck.

What doesn’t suck are goals. Specific, measurable goals. Ones that there’s no doubt when you get there, no doubt that you’ve made it. Oh yeah, they have to be achievable as well. Goals like that kick ass. They’re awesome. Though we hate resolutions, the New Year is a great time to revisit old goals and create new ones. Today come up with some goals for 2017. Think about a couple of things that you’d really like to achieve. But that’s not it. Once you come up with the goals, you need to come up with a plan to make those goals a reality. Write them down and tell someone about them. This provides a measure of accountability.

The quote above this post is absolutely true. You need a plan for your goals. If you need help, get with one of the coaches and we’ll get you started on the right track. Look at the start of the new year as an opportunity to recommit to achieving what you’re after!

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