Tuesday 161115

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Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 of:

10 Front Rack Lunge (alternating), 115#/75#

10 Hang Power Clean, 115#/75#

10 Shoulder-to-Overhead, 115#/75#


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Don’t worry, your programming is in the hands of this guy!

These Days Feel Different Than Normal

You may have noticed that the days feel a little different the last couple of weeks. There haven’t been many strength or skill sessions prior to the conditioning. This has left time at the end of the hour for a formal cool down on most days. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, this time is a transition in programming for us. Believe it or not we periodize our programming with specific goals for each cycle. As the mornings and evenings get darker and colder in Colorado, we end up staying inside more. The WODs get a little shorter and we transition from running as part of the workout a few times of week to relying on the rower. The barbells will also start to get heavier as we transition into winter. Couple that with a focus on prepping for the 2017 CrossFit Open which is only 3 months away. 

The second reason is we need to give you a little break. We wouldn’t call this a back-off period, but it’s definitely a good time to let the body recover a little bit and recharge. In the long term it’s not effective to beat the crap out of you day in and day out. Eventually something gives. Usually your spirit breaks or you get an nagging injury that you can’t shake. Thoughtful programing help us prevent that from happening.

We also know all too well that the hour gets really full very quickly, and what typically suffers is an effective cool down. So right now we’re giving you the formal cool down with the hopes that you realize that this is an important part of your daily routine. We hope that the exposure to some of these cool downs will allow you to learn how to do it and you’ll be able to run yourself through it when time doesn’t allow the coach to guide you. 

We hope that answers some of the questions we’ve gotten from you! Don’t worry, Josh has some excellent things planned for you, we’re sure you’ll love it. Or hate it. Probably a little of both!

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