Thursday 161006

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The Oly Total

Snatch, 1RM

Clean and Jerk, 1RM


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Trey is down with lifting some big weight today, how about you?

Another opportunity to hit a new PR or two this week, aren’t you lucky?! You guys hit the CFT on Monday and there were some impressive lifts. A couple of hero WODs and now you get a shot to go big on the snatch and C&J. We like these days because it gives us some information that we can use to evaluate the programming. We need to see some numbers to understand how things are going. And for that, we need you! Thursdays are notoriously light days at the gym. Many embrace the 3-on/1-off/2-on/1-off schedule. But we say “not today”! Today skip your rest day, come in, and bang some weights. We promise you’ll be OK skipping your day off just this once. It’ll help us out and just think about how great it will be to hit a new PR today! We’ll see you in there!!

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