Tuesday 160830



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6 x 1 @ 90% 1RM




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Complete 3 rounds for time of:

Run 400m

21 Kettlebell Swings, 55#/35#

12 Pull-ups 

Compare to: 9/7/15, 4/20/15, 4/15/14, 6/17/13, 8/28/12, 10/30/12, 6/13/11, 9/28/11, 8/4/10, 4/19/10




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Evolve Tees repping all over town!

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A Chance to PR!

Helen, another CrossFit benchmark WOD. For those of you how never have done this workout, today is your chance to give it a try and see what happens. At the end of the workout you’ll have a time that you can record and when the workout comes up again, you have a point of reference. This is one of those important workouts that we really want you to record the time as well as how you scaled things if you needed to. 

For those of you who have done Helen once, twice, or several times, today you have a chance. The chance to do something you’ve never done before by posting a PR. Take a look at your previous best and know what that time is. Come up with a plan that will let you beat that time. Maybe it will be running a little bit harder to where it’s getting pretty uncomfortable. Maybe it will be fighting to do the KB swings or pull-ups unbroken. Maybe it’s all of those things. Regardless, dig in and get after it today. You’ll be glad you did!

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