Monday 160718



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Back Squat

6 x 2 @ 85% 1RM




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 14:00 of:

15 Ball Slams, 40#/30#

10 Hang Power Clean, 135#/95#

5 Handstand Push-ups




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Congrats to these guys on their 3rd place podium finish at the Whiteboard Classic!!!

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The Vibe is Alive!

Ask anyone who goes to a CrossFit gym what makes it great and you’ll usually get one answer: the community. Sure, it’s important to have great equipment, solid programming, knowledgeable coaches, and toilet paper in the bathrooms, but all of that is required. That stuff has to be in place for any CrossFit gym. That’s just the starting place. The intangible is the community. What the place feels like when the WOD is full of friends, the music is thumping, and everyone is working hard. The vibe is important. Each gym has it’s own vibe, and that vibe will work for some folks and maybe not others. 

Here’s the thing, the community of the gym, and the vibe of what we have going on at Evolve, is dependent on you. You are the community, you are the vibe. We coaches are the point, and it starts with us, but we only provide the guidance. It takes everyone to make it happen. That’s why it’s so powerful and works so well.

So what will you do to keep the vibe alive this week? Say hello to someone visiting the gym for the first time to check it out? Chat up one of the newer members who you don’t know very well? Help someone get out or put away their gear? Hand out some wipes after the WOD is over? Smash the workout then give out high fives to your friends who did the same? There’s a lot you can do to contribute to the vibe of Evolve. What will you do this week?

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