Tuesday 150614

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The Other Total

Complete for total load:

Clean, 1RM

Bench Press, 1RM

Overhead Squat, 1RM

In the remining time following the warm-up work up to a heavy single of each lift. This should be a max effort. Rest as needed between attempts keeping in mind that you have to be done at the top of the hour. Maxing out if fun…get after it!


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The 6am crew WODing at sunrise!!

Hey Ladies….

Hey ladies, we’ve got something for you!!

On Thursday June 23rd your lady coaches are putting on a Lady’s Night at Evolve! You’re welcome to bring a friend, there will be a first-time-friendly WOD for you guys to throw down, and there will be some wine after. You know how Kendra and Stine do these things….big! They’re rounding up prizes for you guys and have a fun night for the girls planned! 

These are the cool events that make our community awesome, we hope you’ll be a part of it.

Fellas, while the ladies are throwing down and drinking wine you want to find a parking lot, drink beer, and rep out some curls?

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