Friday 160603



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Bent Over Row

10 – 10 – 10

Add load each set. AND keep the movement clean!




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Complete 5 rounds for time of:

3 Front Squats, 175#/115#

6 Toes-to-Bar

200m Run




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This week’s Hero WOD Wednesday crew. Where were you?

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The Importance of Listening To Your Body

So how ya feeling today? Great? OK? Beat to hell? Word on the street is the last answer was the most common today. It’s been a long week of training, especially for those who kicked things off with Murph on Monday. When we get to feeling beat down we have two choices. One – we continue to train through it, which is sometimes the right thing to do. Two – we take an impromptu rest day and give ourselves a chance to recover, which is also sometimes the right thing to do.

There is no right answer for everyone. You have to sometimes fight through it. And sometimes you have to rest even when you weren’t planning to. Sometimes you’ll get it right. Sometimes you’ll get it wrong. When you’ve been at it for a while, it gets a little easier to know the answer, but even then sometimes you’re not sure what the right call is.

The point here is that when your beat up and things aren’t feeling great, take a few minutes to consider your options and make a choice based on you, your experience, and how you feel. It’s important to keep in mind that the adaptations you’re making…those ever precious gainz…are really happening when you’re resting and recovering, so an extra day off here and there is OK if you need it. If you’re feeling up to it and you do drag yourself in today, the run will make or break this workout so get after it. At least it’s not 2 miles in a vest, right?!

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