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Complete for time:
27 – 21 – 15 – 9
Deadlifts, 225#/185#
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Drew deadlifting. This pic was taken in our first month. Drew was strong even back then! That spot is where University TV is now.
6 Years Strong!
Another year, another missed anniversary. No, not my wedding anniversary….luckily! On March 11th, we quietly hit CrossFit Evolve’s 6 Year Anniversary! The Open keeps us so stinking busy for these 5 weeks that missing this date happens more than not. And really, it is just a date. But, it’s also a great time to say “Thank You”. Thank you to our unbelievable coaches who work harder than you’ll ever know and who do so much, not just for the athletes of Evolve but for the gym itself. Without them CrossFit Evolve could not happen. Thank you to my family who never complains no matter how many hours are spent at the gym or in front of the computer keeping things moving in the right direction. Thank you to CrossFit for giving us this incredible methodology that changes lives through fitness. And thank you to YOU, for trusting us to let us do what we love doing, and for continuing to come back for more week after week, year after year. We appreciate you more than you know.
It’s pretty amazing to think of where things are today and what they have become. In the beginning we just wanted a place to do CrossFit where we could drop weights, listen to loud, awesome music, workout hard, and have some fun. What it became is so much more than that. Thank you for making CrossFit Evolve what it is, and here’s to many more years! We’ll see you in there!