Tuesday 160105



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Kipping Handstand Push-up

We want to build on last week’s work and get some more practice in. Why? Because tomorrow’s benchmark has HSPUs in it.

If you’re proficient at HSPUs, then complete:

5 x 3 HSPU, Deficit of 8″/4″




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Work up to a 1RM Snatch in 20:00


You have 20:00. Please see below. 




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Noah getting this part of the shoot-through exactly right!!

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The Joy of Lifting

Today’s WOD is you, a barbell, and 20:00. There are those that are absolutely stoked about today, and those that are already hitting the cancel button. Our wish is that everyone was stoked! We all know the oly lifts are challenging, especially the snatch. When we only see them during WODs with a bunch of other stuff mixed in like burpees and 400m runs, it gets tough to slow down and focus on the technique. However, to get better this has to happen. 

So what do we do? We program the oly lifts as part of strength work, or as is the case today, it’s the WOD itself. Remember the “constantly varied” part of the CrossFit prescription? It can’t always be chippers and triplets that leave you in a pile on the floor! Today your focus will be on lifting well. We’ll drill some technique work then it’ll be time for you to put it to use. Take your time, stay focussed on your technique, and be aggressive under the bar.

Here’s to what will no doubt be several lifting PRs to start off 2016 right!

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