Tuesday 151208



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Every minute on the minute for 10:00 complete:

1 Split Jerk

Keep the load the same for each set.




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Complete for time:

27 – 21 – 15 – 9

Ball Slams, 40#/30#






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There is always something new to learn. Whether you’ve been at this for 5 weeks, 5 months, or 5 years, you can always be better.

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We’re always trying to get better. One of the things that we felt we could do a better job at is providing some different ways to educate you guys on movements, scaling options, and technique. One thing we lack is the ability to do this outside of the gym, so we put our heads together and decided that we would try to put out some content. Content, we love that word! One way we can do this is by creating videos. So today, here is a video on the scaling options for pull-ups. Most of you have seen and done some versions of these before, and that’s awesome. Some of this may be new for some of you. Our hope is that you can take a look at these, think about them, and have an idea of what you’re going to do when you come in. Give it a shot!



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