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21 – 15 – 9
Turkish Get-up: Right Arm, 70#/55#
Turkish Get-up: Left Arm, 70#/55#
There is a 35:00 cap on this. Many of you have done TGUs before, there is nothing fast about the movement. It has to be methodical. We’ll review this and practice before the WOD.
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Brad working his oly skills!
Positive or Negative?
The mental aspect of training is hugely overlooked. In fact, having a strong mental game in anything – gym, home life, career – is important to success. We have a direct impact on the outcome of things we’re going after before we even get started. Below is a short post from Ben Burgeron about how the ideas we have impact results. He’s speaking in terms of competitive team athletes and their impact on one another. But when I read this I saw it as being about our own internal voice, and the thoughts we have inside our own heads. That voice has the same impact on your performance as someone talking to you. Give it a read and see what you think:
Lets try an experiment. Follow along instead of reading ahead.
You have 10 secs to look around the room and count as many RED THINGS as you can see. Ready…3…2…1…go.
How many did you count? Probably quite a bit right?
Now, how many GREEN THINGS did you take note of during that time? Can you even go back in your mind and remember if there was anything green? Probably not, or at best…very few.
The point is that when we have an idea planted in our heads, whether we notice it or not…we become fixated on it. How many of you counted some things that were orange and even convinced yourself that they were “red enough”. We see what we are looking for.
If you have someone on your team/in your gym/in your life that is constantly planting negative ideas in your mind by complaining about the workout…it colors your thoughts and perspective whether you realize it or not. Then YOU start seeing things in a negative light as well. The same holds true with positive ideas and thoughts too.
If you are going through a tough workout and it hurts, or are anxious and don’t want to do an upcoming workout…don’t put that on your team mates. We all face adversity in the gym, we all experience pain and even panic sometimes. But how do we process and handle it. Tell yourself that you like it, you NEED to like it if you are going to be successful in this sport.
So if you are going to suffer through a workout…Suffer in silence.