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Tall Snatch
In 10:00 work to a moderate single.
Please see the post below so you know what’s up!
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Complete for time:
15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Kettlebell Swings, 70#/55#
Strict Pull-ups
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Barb repping them out!
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Today you get to work on your tall snatch. It says “moderate” load. This should be a load that is somewhat challenging but that you’re able to hit with solid technique. This is listed as a skill, and because of that, technique is the priority over weight. That is a tough pill for many to swallow, but it’s important because these are the sessions that allow us to dial things in. If it looks less than ideal, be prepared for the coach to tell you so and ask you to lighten the load. Here’s some specifics from Catalyst Athletics: