Tuesday 150707



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Double Unders

Time for a little skill practice. No clock, no burpees or running or KBS between attempts. Just focused practice on getting better.

If you have DUs, complete 3 x max rep sets. Rest 2:00 between attempts. If you trip up before you hit 20 reps, start the set over.




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Complete for time:

30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

Run 400m

15 Overhead Squat, 135#/95#

Run 800m

15 Overhead Squat, 135#/95#

Run 400m

30 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Thank you Mr. Sherwood.





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Warren G with some pulls!

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According to the internet-website-making-machine this is my 2000th post. Or it could be 2001. Not sure. Math is still hard. That’s one post per night for 5.4945 years. Crazy. Some were just videos, articles, pictures, or announcements of events. Some where guest posts (thank you KV!). Sundays are reserved for a quote that feels right for the time. But overall the vast majority of what we put out there is what we feel to be valid content. I know some folks don’t check the website, or when they do they stop after reading the WOD. Those folks are missing out on some great stuff….too bad for them!!

So to you, faithful reader of the CrossFit-stream-of-consciousness that flows from my brain unchecked on a nightly basis, thank you for reading!

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