Tuesday 150602

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Goats and Love

Every minute on the minute for 20:00:

Even Minute: Goat

Odd Minute: Something You Love


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Kelley F is so good at L sits she can chat with Sarah as she’s doing them!

It’s been a little while since we hit a goat and love day. The description says it all. Pick something you like and something you hate and alternate between them. The trick is to be smart with your rep scheme and loads. We don’t want the volume to get crazy, so remember if you choose to do 20 of something per round, that will add up to 200 reps! We also don’t want you to go to easy. If you’re doing a weighted movement, choose a weight that you’ll be able to complete, but won’t be so easy that you don’t feel like you got any work in. These days are fun to do, and they force us to work on things we might not want to. But they can also be pretty lame if we don’t approach it right so don’t go easy on yourself. Give yourself a challenge and rise to meet it.



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