Thursday 150507



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Goat Skill!

Today you’ll pick something you really have a tough time with! It might be double-unders. Maybe kipping pull-ups. Toes-to-bars? Maybe. We’ll put 10:00 on the clock and you’ll work on getting better!




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 8:00 of:

2 Thrusters, 135#/95#

2 Bar Over Burpees

4 Thrusters, 135#/95#

4 Bar Over Burpees

The pattern will continue to 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, etc. Score will be last full round completed plus additional reps.




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And done!

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Yesterday you got a shot at completing Diane! We’ve seen lots of benchmark workouts the last few months. Some of you tried them for the first time, others who have been around a while have had multiple goes at them. These WODs are cool to do regularly for a couple of reasons. First is that every CF gym everywhere in the world does Diane, Fran, Karen, etc. the same way. The named girl workouts are known by every CrossFitter. It’s part of what we do, and that’s cool. The other thing these benchmark workouts do for us is allow us to gauge improvement over time. As you complete a workout several times over a period of time, a quicker time, moving up in load or a tougher scaling movement, improved range of motion – are all indicators of improvement. That’s what we like to see!

However, it’s important to keep in mind that we shouldn’t expect improvement every time we do a benchmark workout. And that’s OK. Our goal is a general upward trend over time. There will be peaks and valleys during your training, especially when you’ve been at it for a while. Of course we’d love to PR our face off every time we hit the floor. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen. We hope you enjoyed hitting the benchmarks as of late! Now it’s time to keep working on those skills, keep gaining strength, and continue building your motor. That will put you in position to PR then next benchmark we through your way!


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