Thursday 150212



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The Kip

Today we’ll spend some time on the kip. Check out the post below!




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Complete with 7:00 on the clock:

2 Clean and Jerk, 155#/110#

2 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

4 Clean and Jerk, 155#/110#

4 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

6 Clean and Jerk, 155#/110#

6 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Continue this pattern for the 7:00. If the prescribed load is heavy for you, think about using 60-65%1RM.




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Kelsey rocking the overhead!

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Today we hit a little open prep work while working on the kip. Applied to the pull-up, the toes-to-bar, or today’s chest-to-bar pull-up, the kip will come into play. Many of you have kipping down pretty well, but don’t think there isn’t room for improvement! There’s always things we can work on. A few things we’re going drill with you today:

Tension: you hear us speak of this often…we have to maintain tension throughout our body. A wild kip with bent knees at the bottom causes us to loose tension. The end result is a loss of efficiency.

Angles: this concept was presented to us during the i99 Gymnastics Clinic we hosted. When we create angles with our body (bent knees, hips in flexion) we are not as efficient as we could be. This will also relate to tension.

Timing: the kip is one of the toughest things to learn. There are a lot of moving parts to it, and timing those moving parts is critical.

Today we’ll review this stuff as well as some positional cues to keep in mind. Even if you’re dialed with your kip, pay attention, you might get even better!



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