Thursday 150129



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Handstand Work:

Kick into Handstand

Handstand, shoulder taps

Lateral Walks Along Wall

Freestanding Handstand Walks

Pick the one tht’s right for you and spend some skill time.




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20 Thrusters, 95#/65#

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 95#/65#

20 Push Jerk, 95#/65#

20 Overhead Squat, 95#/65#

20 Front Squats, 95#/65#

Every minute on the minute complete 4 burpees. Workout also starts with the 4 burpees!




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KD, Bae, and a sweet photo bomb!

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“It’s about increasing the community at your box and in your affiliate….”



Come on, do it!!!

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