Thursday 150115



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Complete the following complex:

1 Front Squat + 2 Shoulder-to-overhead

1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1

This will be from the racks. Warm up and get to a challenging load. Stay there for 4 sets. Add weight to the final set and nail it. Don’t game the first 4 sets knowing you’ll go up at the end.




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Complete 5 rounds for time:

2 Turkish Get-ups (1 each arm, both up and down), 70#/55#

5 SuperEvolvers w/ 2 second pause at top

9 Med Ball sit-ups, 20#/14#

15 Wall balls, 20#/14#




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More wall balls!

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Hey, so how’s the goal writing coming? Looks like we’re making some progress on the 2015 Goal Board! We did a little quick math and it looks like we’re short goals from about 100 of you, give or take. We don’t ask you guys to do things just to do them. It’s a fact that setting specific goals, writing them down, and telling people about them will give you a better chance of succeeding. Don’t believe that? Check out this short article from Forbes: Why You Should Be Writing Down Your Goals. We know it can be a little uncomfortable for some of you to do this. You have to put yourself out there. It can make you feel vulnerable. Thoughts like “what if I don’t accomplish it” creep in. This is exactly why you need to do this exercise. If it makes you nervous to do this, this is for you! So rise above those negative feelings and put yourself out there!

If you haven’t put your goal on the board because you haven’t been in since December 31st, please contact one of your coaches….we have a pretty good goal in mind for you to write on the board for 2015!

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