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Bent Over Row
Use the 5RM you established on 11/26 for today’s percentages. Take 3 to 4 sets to work up in load, then complete:
1 x 5 @ 95%
1 x 5 @ 90%
After that 95%, drop the load and perform another set of 5. Since you’re dropping weight for the last set, make sure form is perfect.
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Complete 3 rounds for time of:
30 Plate Sit-ups, 45#/25#
20 Burpees-to-plate, 45#/25#
10 Strict Press, 45#/25#
For the burpees-to-plate, the burpee ends with a jump onto the plate. Hips must open just like a box jump before jumping or stepping off.
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Who loves Saturdays??
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Some of you may have heard of Shane Dorian. He’s a pro big wave surfer and he uses CrossFit as a part of his training regimen. Check out the video below, it’s pretty cool. You’ll hear him talk about how CrossFit gives him confidence to surf big waves. What has it given you the confidence to do?!?!