Thursday 141120



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Work up to a 3RM





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Complete 10 rounds for time of:

10 Toes-to-bar

10 SuperEvolvers

Starting at 3-2-1…Go and at the top of each minute, do 10 air squats. Once done, you’ll pick up where you left off.





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Squatting is good for the soul. Especially when it’s 3 wheels. Ask A.O., he’ll tell ya!

Ever think about what to do with your head during the jerk? We have to get it out of the way, right? If we don’t either the bar hits us in the bottom of the chin or the bar is pushed forward. If the bar goes forward, as that weight gets heavy, the chances of it ending up where we want it – in a stacked position aligned with our shoulders, and hips – dramatically goes down. There are basically 2 ways to get your head out of the way. One is to bring the head back and chin slightly down. The other is to bring the head back and the chin up. Check out the video below by Chad Vaughn talking about bringing the head back and chin up. Try it out today and see what you think!!



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