Tuesday 141021

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With 37:00 on the clock:

In 10:00 work up to a heavy double front squat.

Rest 2:00

Complete as many rounds as possible in 25:00 of:

Run 800m

5 Front Squats, 55% of the 10:00 front squat

10 Toes-to-bar

20 Push-ups

Once you hit the double, you’ll have to be quick to figure out the 55% and put it on the bar. The clock will be running, so if you lollygag it will cut into your 25 minutes of work, and we know you want that full 25 minutes!!



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Nothing will stop Pam from continuous improvement of her fitness. How far will you go?

There’s only so many hours in the day. The things we do have to be prioritized. The most important things to us are at the top of the list, and as we work our way down the list we find things that are a lower priority. Most will agree that things like family, friends, work, religion or spirituality, and things of the like are high up on the list. Those are the things that come hell or high water you’ll make time for. Where is your fitness on that list?

We’re very, very lucky to have a consistent number of members at Evolve. Thank you guys for being a part of what we have going on! However, as the year goes by, we see the number of folks hitting WODs fluctuate. As you can imagine, one of the things we hear the most when people are M.I.A for a while is something along the lines of life getting crazy, work getting busy, feeling overwhelmed, etc. These are the things that keep us out of the gym and away from our training. If the break lasts too long, sometimes people will feel like they’ve gone too far in the other direction and all hope for progress is lost, and they throw in the towel. We hate that!

We want you to keep fitness as a priority in your life. You are a better ____ for it. You can put whatever you want in that blank, whether it’s parent, spouse, friend, businessman, teacher, nurse, cop, firefighter, or human being, making your fitness, which includes your overall health and wellness, a priority will make you better. For those who are saying “you just don’t understand, I’m so effing busy”, we do understand. However, to put things in perspective we’re going to use a little math:

24 hours in a day

Take away sleep (we’ll use 8 hours, hopefully you’re getting that much!)

16 hours a day

There’s 7 days in a week, which gives us 112 hours (7 days x 16 hours).

If you work a job, are in school, or take care of the kids while your spouse is at work, take away 40 hours from your week.

That leaves 72 hours give or take. A WOD is 1 hour. If you’re getting in 4 days a week you’re solid, 5 days a rock star. We have no doubt that you can find 4-5 hours a week in there somewhere. 4-5 hours to make you better. 4-5 hours for you. How many years do you think that 4-5 hours a week will tack on to the end of your life? Is it worth it? We believe that it is. In fact, we believe it’s more important than many things we fill our time with. Yes, sometimes those hours just won’t be there. Shit happens. But for the most part, you can find it. That is, as long as you want to find it.

So we’ll ask again, where is your fitness on your priority list? See you in there!!!!

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