Wednesday 140827



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Complete 2 reps every minute on the minute for 6:00 of:

Jerk @ 80% 1RM

This will be out of the racks. If you have to share, one will go at the top on the minute, 1 will go at :30. If you don’t have a jerk 1RM, go with your C&J 1RM.




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Complete 3 rounds for time of:

10 Front Squat, 55% 1RM

20 Toes-to-bar

30 Double-unders

Yep, the bar for the squats starts on the floor. The good news is you can squat clean your first rep and it counts as a squat rep, so there’s that.




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Liz getting KB swing reps!

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The i99 gymnsatics clinic was legit and everyone not only had a good time but learned a lot. Something we’ve recognized for a while but we were reminded of during the clinic, is that it can be sketchy to practice handstands on our hard floor. Especially if you fall over and forget to tuck and roll. There were a couple of thuds during the day as people toppled over. At the end of the clinic, Kelly O asked if we could get a tumbling mat to practice handstands, tripods, freestanding handstand push-ups, and the like. Yes we can! We now have a 5′ x 10′ mat that’s kept folded up next to the slam ball shelves. Feel free to pull this thing out when you practice your inverted skills, and I have a feeling you may get to know it a little bit during some warm-ups.

One thing we learned from the 6am crew is that not only is it good for practicing hand and head-stands, it’s also good to work on body slams.

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