Monday 140714



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Overhead Squat

Work up to a 1RM in 20:00




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of:

2 Turkish Get-ups, 55#/35# (1 each arm)

20 Goblet Squats, 55#/35#

50 Double-unders




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Robbie Rob working the lock out!

Today you have an opportunity. For the strength, you have 20:00 to work up to a 1RM of the overhead squat. You have the opportunity to prove to yourself that you’re getting better. 20 minutes is a long time. You’ve seen the OH squat regularly this programming cycle. You’ve worked on your mobility. You’re learning how to apply the concept of external rotation and active shoulders while under a barbell. You’ve gotten the hang of allowing the bar to stay over the heals as you descent because you’ve been practicing. You’ve been getting better with a very difficult movement.

Many of the people you know will go through this Monday just as any other Monday. As they turn in for bed and think about the day, there’s a chance that there won’t be anything exceptional for them to reflect on. You have an opportunity today to do something that you’ve never done before. You have the opportunity to overhead squat more than you ever have. Embrace the opportunity.

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