Wednesday 140611



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The Triple Under

Yep, it’s a real thing. For those of you who have double-unders, you’re going to practice the tripple. Have no fear, if you still feel like a novice with the double-under, we’ll continue to work on that. The triple will have to wait!




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With 12:00 running clock, complete the following:

4:00 Clean and Jerk, 135#/95#

4:00 Row (cals)

4:00 Burpees

Score is total number of reps and cals at the end of the 12:00.




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A coupe of good teammates acting as racks during the Saturday WOD!

The tripple-under has been popping up on mainsite WODs over the last several months. Just when you thought double-unders were tough! Below is a cool tutorial by Carl Paoli and Jami Tikkanen. Here are some of the points they cover:

Jump high (higher than the double-under).

Keep the chest tall and look up to stay in an optimal body position.

Follow progressive acceleration with your wrist during the 3 revolutions (see video for details)

Start with a double-under, then go into tripple attempts.

Follow the pattern of double-under (DU) + DU + tripple under (TU) (the plus sign means you’re linking them)

Then progress to DU+DU+TU+DU+DU+TU

Once you get consistent with the triple, try DU+TU+DU+TU+DU+TU

Today will be just the start. You might see the triple-under in a WOD this week. Like tomorrow. The progressions we talk about and work on are just the start. Some ninjas may get it today. For others, you can keep practicing with me!


Carl Paoli & Jami Tikkanen – Triple Under Progressions from Alex Haines on Vimeo.




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