Wednesday 140514



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Clean and Jerk

3 + 1 @ 60%

3 + 1 @ 65%

2 + 1 @ 70%

2 + 1 @ 75%

The 2 cleans don’t necessarily have to be touch-and-go reps, but they have to be performed right away…no stepping away from the bar.




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Every Minute on the Minute for 15:00:

1 Snatch @ 70% 1RM

Burpees to the 30 second mark.

Score will be total burpees completed.




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[rs-image img_url=”” link=”” alt=”Garry!” width=”” height=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”default” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]

Garry on the way up during deadlifts!

[rs-image img_url=”” link=”” alt=”Garry!” width=”” height=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”default” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]

Hey, do you see anything you own in this picture? This spring you may have come in for a WOD and it’s been snowing, and by the time you left it was 75 degrees. That makes it easy to leave your stuff behind. Well, it’s time for a little spring cleaning. We have lots of brands represented: American Apparel, Under Armour, Gucci, Louis Vi-whatever. Just kidding on some of those, but there’s a lot of cool stuff lying around the gym. Please take a look at the coat rack, the hangers in the cubbies, and the lost and found box.

We’ll give ya a week, then you’ll see the coaches wearing this stuff, which means you can’t have it back.

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