Tuesday 140401



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Thoracic Spine Mobility

Today’s skill is going to be to share some mobility work with you. T-Spine mobility with a lacrosse ball is a great tool to improve your overhead position. Today the coaches are going to walk you through some mobility exercises step-by-step. The goal will be to teach you enough so that you to be able to do this on your own.




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Squats

Compare to: 6/7/12, 11/15/11, 1/21/11




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Marie knows that box jumps are easier at 6am!

It’s official…the Open has finished! All affiliates have to have their scores validated by today at 6pm our time. Done. There’s always a collective sigh of relief when the Open concludes. Whether you were hoping to help get the team to the Regionals with a couple of big finishes or this was your first Open and you were praying that ____ didn’t show up during one of the WODs, after 5 weeks most of us are ready to be done.

We couldn’t be prouder of what was accomplished during the Open. We saw some unbelievable performances by some of our experienced folks. Their training and work has paid off. Every year it gets harder and harder to find your name on the first page of the leader board for the region (or second or third or fourth page!). But some of you were up there week after week. Strong work. What’s equally amazing is what gets accomplished by those who were unsure about even signing up. We had first-ever chest-to-bar pull-ups. Then 2 and 3 more of them. We had an overhead squat WOD with a load that was equal to one of our fella’s 1RM. He did one, then proceeded to continue reps…at his previous PR. Nice work Patrick!! We had toes-to-bars get done. We had folks who set the goal to get 50 reps done, only to get well over 100. That’s the stuff that the Open does for us. That’s the good shit!

I have to say a huge thank you to all of those who helped. We had over a dozen folks take and pass the judges course and come in on Fridays and Sundays to judge for their friends. We also had a ton of you who stuck around after their WOD was done to help judge. Without you guys, it doesn’t happen so thank you. Thanks to the coaches who ran the show. It was inconvenient to have to be on duty almost every Friday and Sunday during the Open, but the coaches held it down and it went off without a hitch. Thanks to our Social Director Kendra for organizing those fun reveal get togethers and to Primal Guys and Ascent Performance for donating prizes. Finally, thanks to all of you guys who stuck around and showed support for your friends who were going through the WODs. Having you guys there is a huge boost to them!

OK, so now it’s over. Don’t forget, on Saturday we’re going to have a little Open’s Over and Hey We’re 4 Years Old BBQ. Details will follow!!

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