Thursday 140320



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Snatch Balance

Work up to a triple in 10 minutes.





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Complete as many rounds as possible in 7:00 of the following ladder:

2 Power Snatch, 95#/65#

2 Ball slams, 40#/30#

4 Power snatch

4 Ball slams

6 Power snatch

6 Ball slams…

Continue by 2’s up the ladder until 7 minutes is reached.




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The crew at the 14.3 reveal. Will you be there for 14.4?

CrossFit gives us many things. One of the best things it gives us is the ability to take our hard-earned fitness and apply it outside of the gym. Looking at the 2014 Goal Board you can see as many non-CrossFit goals as goals for inside the gym (you haven’t put a goal on there yet? It’s already March…time to get to work). When we hear of awesome things happening outside of the gym, we love to share it with everyone.

Brandon W is a climber, and I’m not talking about top-roping the local crag. He went on a trip to South Africa earlier this year and I asked him to hook us up with some pictures and a little something about how CrossFit translates to making him a better climber, which he graciously did. We’re all capable of amazing things. Sometimes we have to get out there to see what we can do!

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Desert Shield

Attached is a recent photo from a climb called “Desert Shield” in Zion National Park. I’m the top guy in black. It is a 2 day climb which involves hauling lots of gear, so it requires a type of physical fitness that you can’t get from just climbing in a gym. This kind of thing is one of my main motivations for trying to get more fit.

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Sands of Time

And here is me and a friend on the start of route called “The Sands of Time” in South Africa.

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