Thursday 140206



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Kipping HSPU

Today we’ll spend some time dialing in the kip for the handstand push-up. This is a great skill to have, and one that needs to be practiced outside of the WOD. For new folks, the coach will go over progressions to get inverted. They’ll then go over the application of the kip.

If you have kipping HSPU, then complete:

2 Max rep sets of strict HSPU

2 Max rep sets of kipping HSPU

Rest 1:00 between sets.




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In 12:00 complete as many reps as possible of:

60 Bar-faciing burpees, then

3 Shoulder-to-overhead, 95#/65#

3 Ring rows

6 Shoulder-to-overhead, 95#/65#

6 Ring rows

9 Shoulder-to-overhead, 95#/65#

9 Ring rows, etc

This WOD was inspired by one posted by OPT. Get as far in the rep ladder as possible in the 12:00 cap. For the bar-facing burpees, you must be perpendicular to the bar and jump over with both feet, no clap at the top.





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Jeff is demonstrating where NOT to set up for your HSPU practice today. We have a plan to repair the damage soon, for now please avoid those areas. A skill to also practice today might be how to gracefully kick up into a  handstand position. Just sayin’.

[rs-image img_url=”” link=”” alt=”No HSPU” width=”” height=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”default” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]

If you follow these instructions everything will be fine!

Our friends at NorCo CrossFit will be hosting a body-fat testing truck at their box on Saturday February 8th and they’ve invited the Evolve crew to jump in if they’d like. The cost is $49. This is in conjunction with their gym’s Zone Challenge, so the truck will be back again in the future.

If you’re interested in getting a hydrostatic body fat test, send me an email at and I will get you some additional info and put you in touch with Sam at NorCo. 

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