Tuesday 140128



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3 Position Hold + 1 Dude Pull

3 x 1 @ 55-65% Snatch 1RM

The positions will be 1″, just below the knee, and mid-thigh. Spend 2-3 seconds at each. The Dude Pull starts with the bar in the below-the-knee hang, hit the scoop and pull the elbows high and outside. The purpose is to isolate the 2nd pull of the snatch.

Snatch Efficiency Test

Every Minute on the Minute for 5:00 complete:

2 Snatch @ 80% 1RM

Then complete as many reps as possible in 2:00 of:

Snatch @ 80% Snatch 1RM

Please check out the post below about the Snatch Efficiency Test. You can compare today to 10/3/2013.




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Complete for time:

12 – 9 – 6 – 3

Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Clean and Jerk, 135#/95#

Hand-release push-ups




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Cold weather gear really piles up on the snow days!

Today we re-visit the Snatch Efficiency Test. We’ve programmed this on 10/03/13 for the daily WOD, and those of you who are regulars at Oly Night have been through it once or twice. We learned about the Snatch Efficiency test at the Outlaw Training Camp. This is a cool way to assess your efficiency with the movement outside of going for a 1RM.

Here’s how it will lay out: for the first 5 minutes you’ll do 2 snatches each minute for a total of 10. You only get 2 attempts per minute, so if you miss, you don’t go for a third try. At the end of the 5th minute, you perform max reps for 2 minutes. At the end of the test, you’ll have a score of made snatches versus total attempts. For example, if you complete 8 snatches of the 10 attempts during the first 5 minutes, you’ll have 8/10 for that portion. If during the last 2 minutes you hit 7 of 8, you’ll have 7/8 for that portion giving you a total of 15/18. Make sense? Why do this? You guys get a lot of exposure to the olympic lifts. It’s cool to have them as part of our strength work, but it’s important to look at how we implement the movement during WODs. This gives us an opportunity to test the consistency of your technique in a different way. Have fun with it!!



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