Saturday 140125

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Saturday Teamwork!


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Teams will be divided evenly and will complete the following in relay style:

10 Power Cleans, 135#/95#

15 Kettlebell swings, 55#/35#

20 Wall balls, 20#/14#

25 Sit-ups, 15#/10#

Here’ s how it will flow: Each team will be staged at the south wall. Team member 1 will run to the bar, do their cleans, then run back. Team member 2 will run to the bar and do the cleans, then Team member 3. Each team member will go through the movement 2 times. Then everyone will cycle through the KB swings twice, then the wall balls twice, etc. Each time a person finishes their set and runs back to the line so the next person can go, they will complete 5 burpees.

Clear as mud? Don’t worry, it will be perfectly clear tomorrow. See you there!!



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Nothing like a full Saturday house!

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