Thursday 140109

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The Seven

Complete 7 rounds for time of:

7 Handstand push-ups

7 Thruster, 135#/95#

7 Knees to elbows

7 Deadlift, 245#/170#

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell swings, 70#/55#

7 Pull-ups

No skill today. Come in, get warm, and get ready to go! 40:00 cap on this one today!

Compare to 11/12/10, 6/21/11


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A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda. Seven new stars will be etched onto the memorial wall at the CIA where every star represents grieving friends, family and colleagues dedicated to fight against the enemy, forever in their name.

Killed in the attack were CIA officers Jennifer Lynne Matthews, 45; Scott Michael Roberson, 39; Harold E. Brown Jr., 37; Darren LaBonte, 35; Elizabeth Hanson, 30; and security contractors Jeremy Jason Wise, 35, and Dane Clark Paresi, 46.


Finding content to post here each day can be tough sometimes! We get a lot of help from friends who send links to cool articles or share videos, which is awesome. Every once in a while when someone sends me something and tells me it would be good to post, I tell them that whatever it is would make the basis for a good guest post! 9 out of 10 times they won’t take me up on it. But sometimes they do.

Today’s post is from Kendra V. Some of you may keep up on her blog  I Mean Business: My venture into Parenthood, Pre-teens, Paleo, and the Pursuit of elite fitness. It’s cool that she took the time from her busy life to do this, and since the majority of our athletes are ladies, it’s really nice to have a lady’s perspective on here. Thanks for your work KV…it’s rad!

Jon is not on The Facebook.

He also refers to the internet as, “The InterWeb.”

But I still like him. 

Recently he has expanded his horizons and joined BOTH

Twitter AND Instagram

(that is huge).

Jon, unlike myself, is smart. He fills his day with things smarter than 

The Facebook and InterWeb- Land. 

However, because I care about him, I like to keep him informed about all things trending on 

The Facebook.

Poor dude. 

He gets emails, texts, and links from me


I can always tell if he thinks they are rad or not…

like this little gem I sent his way:

Save a Horse Ride a CrossFitter

Now, regardless of the information presented in the blog post, 

the title itself is intriguing. 

Seriously, you think so too, and you already probably clicked the link and read it.

This time Jon asked me to write about the post instead of just 

slapping it on the website.

(Sweet, he didn’t know what to do with it).

However, for me, the blog post was much more than just

horses and fancy riding. 

It made me think about all the connections between

CrossFit and Life


Life and CrossFit.

Now, before you read any further you’re going to probably mention that 

100s of people have written about this exact same topic. 


But, take a few minutes to read about how it applies to

 OUR lives at CrossFit Evolve. 

If you know me at all you know I like to keep it real and have

 zero tolerance for bull $hit. 

People call that a blessing and a curse.

And they are correct. 

Here are my CrossFit Connections between this blog and life in the gym.

Three Points.

1.) Get Connected

In my real- life I am a teacher- when I teach I try to make as many connections between concepts for my students as possible. Why? It seems less complicated that way. If kids see the connections it just makes more sense and I hear, “Why are we learning this?” much less often. The blog post is just another example of connecting what you do in the gym with your life outside of WODs and wall balls. The more connections we can make between the movements and the philosophy of CrossFit the more it’ll make sense. Every time I see someone bend over at the waist to pick something up I just want to scream, “Do you know what you are doing? Come on. Squat stranger- let me show you how to pick things up and set them back down.” You don’t have to be a CrossFit Games athlete to see that real- life application. 

My point: Making real- life connections makes your time in the gym make more sense (just like the girl, the horse, and CrossFit- are you with me?). 

2.) Life Makes More Sense

“In that moment, it was like my whole life made more sense.” 

– Kristin Skewris said that (she’s the girl who wrote the blog post in case you didn’t catch that).

Who doesn’t want life to make more sense? I mean seriously? We could all use a little clarity from time to time. When we can connect the various facets of our lives it just might make more sense. Now, I’m not sure what you do in your “real- life” (parent, a firefighter, teacher, doctor, beach bum, millionaire)…but think about it, what lessons from CrossFit do you (or can you) carry over to THAT part of your life? Sometimes it has nothing to do with the actual movements, but more to do with the part that CrossFit teaches us about having stamina, endurance, and the strength to overcome obstacles. Have you ever had a LONG list of crap that needed to be completed or an ENTIRE house to clean? Even small tasks like these can seem daunting if we look at the sum- but what if we broke them down into smaller parts? Small tasks to be completed. And just chip away….(after all, isn’t life just one long a$$ chipper anyhow?).

My point: Find parallels between CrossFit and your regular life…it might provide you with a moment where it all just makes more sense (just like how the girl compared her fancy riding position to a squat- that is a connection. BAM.)

3.) Everything is Everything

If you are a CrossFit nerd like many of us are, you follow CrossFit celebs on The InterWeb- hoping to glean some magical cues and programming tips to transform your physique and fitness level. Rudy Nielson, from Outlaw Crossfit, fits into the CrossFit celeb category. I mention him because I borrowed this saying from him (actually Jon talks about it often and I stole it from him but know I need to give credit to the originator) Rudy attributes the success of his programming (and his Games level athletes) to the notion that everything we do is everything we do. If you have ever made a connection during a WOD or while a coach was explaining a movement like this, “OMGosh, THAT is why we do the hollow rock position!!!” you know the meaning of, “everything is everything.” Sometimes it seems like the things we do in warm ups or as a skill are just devious movements generated by coaches to punish us for taking a “nervous pee” seconds before beginning a work out (think bear crawls, static holds, or weighted anything). While, in reality, they are just part of the plan to create athletes that use everything they can do- to do everything they can do. 

My point: If you understand, “everything is everything” you know how to make connections. In real- life, everything really IS everything. It is often easier to see the big picture if you understand, and at least try, all of the little parts. (Just like the girl—-and the horse—-when Kristin said this, “When the show season resumes in the fall, expect my domination.”)

The message (in case that’s all you care about) is simple: 1.) make connections between work and play, 2.) make your life make more sense, 3.) tell yourself that everything really is everything, and 4.) find a way to build these things into your goals for 2014. Have you seen the CrossFit Evolve Goal Board? It’s rad.


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