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Complete 6 sets of the following complex:
1 Snatch Balance + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance
Please click on the links above so you’re squared away in the difference of the 2 movements. When you read the descriptions, you’ll see the difference is in foot position.
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Every minute on the minute for 15:00 complete:
5 Power Cleans, 155#/110#
5 Strict Pull-ups
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[rs-image img_url=”https://www.crossfit-evolve.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Photo-Dec-15-12-17-54-AM.jpg” link=”” alt=”Team” width=”” height=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”default” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]
The Evolve Conquer Team with their big ol check!
Over the weekend 10 of us competed on a team in the first Conquer Denver CrossFit Competition. This was a pretty big comp because of the size of the teams…10 folks per team with a total of 23 teams is a lot of athletes. The other thing that made this event unique is the fact that it started at 7pm Friday night and ran until around midnight, and then started around 11 am on Saturday and wrapped up around 10 pm. Most of us are usually in bed earlier than each day’s events ended, so we learned that throwing down that late was a little different.
Overall the comp was well programmed and there wasn’t anything thrown our way that we haven’t done before. There were only a few WODs that were known beforehand, so most of the time who was to do the workouts had to be decided a short time before they started without the benefit of knowing what was coming later on in the day. Strategy was a big deal in this one. Things fell into place well for the team and we did our best to have the right folks doing the right WODs throughout the weekend. The top 10 teams at the end of the second day earned a spot in the final workout of the comp, and we squeaked in at 10th place. A good showing in that final WOD allowed the team to move up a spot, finishing 9th overall for the weekend. I couldn’t be prouder of this group. There were so many highlights and personal bests by each athlete throughout the weekend that it would be silly to even try to write them down. The best thing about team comps is that at the end of it all, each and every person contributes to the success of the whole. This weekend, everyone in that picture gave all they had in every WOD, and our folks represented as always. Congratulations you guys, we’re very proud of you!
Strong work Evolvers!