Friday 131220



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10 x 2 @ 60% 1RM




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Complete the following:

3:00 Row for max calories

Rest 2:00, then

21 – 15 – 9

Deadlift, 315#/225#

Box jumps, 30″/24″




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[rs-image img_url=”” link=”” alt=”Evolve Ladies” width=”” height=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”default” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]

That’s a picture of the hot Evolve ladies at the Christmas Party. And Anthony. That’s one luck guy! Well played sir, well played.

The deadlift and box jump portion of today’s WOD is from the 2011 Regional Games. Typing the workout up for the post, it made me think back and it feels like it was so long ago! I was lucky to get the opportunity to compete on the Evolve Team at the Regionals that year along with Drew, Ross, Kendra, Kristine, and Jenna.  Gino also competed as an individual. For both Gino and the team, how you finished up in the Open determined if you or your team made it to Regionals. 2011 was also the first year that the workouts were the same across all the regions. In the years before the 2011 Regionals the gym that hosted the regional qualifiers got to program the workouts themselves. Athletes who went to the games from different regions did different WODs to get there, which looking back is pretty crazy. In fact, for both the 2009 Regional Qualifier and the 2010 Rocky Mountain Sectionals you could just pay a couple bucks and were able to compete in the equivalent of what is now the Regionals. There was no Open at that time, so you just signed up and threw down…oh, the good ol’ days!!

Things have changed a lot in just a few years as the popularity of CrossFit as a sport has taken off. We’ve been lucky to be able to experience the earlier days when things were on a smaller scale, and it will be exciting to continue to be a part of things as they continue to grow. OK, that’s all. Thanks for humoring me and my reminiscing Friday post!

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