Monday 130812


Overhead Squat

8 x 2 @ 65% 1RM


Complete for time:

400m Lunge w/ med ball, 20#/14#

Denyse rowing away!

The following conversation is hypothetical and though several conversations have been had that are similar in nature, this is not specific to any one of them. Any similarities to an actual conversation are purely coincidental. This hypothetical conversation is simply to provide context.

Person A: I've plateaued in my training. I haven't made any gains in a long time. I don't think the programming is working for me.

Me: Really? Tell me more.

Person A: I just don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I haven't PR'd in a while, and I don't feel like I'm getting any better on the skill movements. Like double-unders. I effin hate those things.

Me: I know what you mean, those suck. So how often have you been getting in?

Person A: Well, I get in about four times a week. Usually more.

Me: That's really good, you've been in that much this week?

Person A: Well not this week, work has been crazy, and you know…the kids have had practice and stuff.

Me: I know, it can be tough to find the time. How about last week? 

Person A: That week we were out of town.

Me: I remember you told me about that trip to the mountains, sounded great. Do you remember the week before? Were you getting in then?

Person A: Yeah, for sure, that was like 5 days.

Me: Let's look at MBO. We can just run a report on your attendance and that will give us a better idea.


Me: According to MBO, you've averaged 1.7 WODs per week for the last 8 weeks.

Person A: Seriously?! That sounds wrong. I'm in here all the time. I think MBO is messed up.

Me: It's pretty accurate. The coaches sign in everybody each WOD. Here's the days you came. There's a bunch of late cancels, and several no-shows.

Person A: I've just been really busy, I guess I haven't been in as much as I thought.

Me: Let's figure out how to get you through the door a little more often.

This happens every so often. We get folks who come to us and feel like they've hit a wall or topped out. This can happen to be sure, but in most of these instances what we find is inconsistency in hitting WODs. Here's a brutal truth: you have to be here to improve and top see results. You have to be in consistently, week after week and month after month, and when you are here, you have to work your ass off. 1 to 2 days per week may have to occur sometimes due to schedule, but this must be the exception rather than the rule. If that's your routine, it will be very difficult to progress. 

So, if you find yourself feeling in a slump and the PRs have proved elusive lately, the first step is to take a look at your consistency. If your attendance has been consistent, next we need to look at the consistency of your movements. That will be for another post!

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